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Moving On

Slaughter ( 66 ) · Group: Members · Rank: spacer · Posted On: April 4, 2006 at 08:58 PM


You mean buy a house / apartment? Or is it really expensive to rent something as well?

Greetings from Olav (Staff at


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: April 4, 2006 at 09:06 PM


Both, mate. It gets more expensive the further south you go here in the UK, and although I think Ivory lives somewhere around the middle of the country (fairly close to me, I think), it's still not cheap.

Virtually the only way to do it early on is share a house.


silvertongedevil ( 333 ) · Group: Contributors · Rank: spacer · Posted On: April 4, 2006 at 11:14 PM


Ivory: there shoul dbe some kind of support from the governemnt to make it POSSIBLE for peopel who are out earning a decent wage to leave home! you cant get anywhere here for less than 160! (160n thousand that is! its insane!)

The problem is growing and most young people can't afford to live in the community they grew up in, it stinks. Here in Lincolnshire there are people selling one bedroom flats in London and buying large houses here because of the cheapness of the housing. Problem is that pushes up the cost of housing to the point that no one local can afford to live here.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Slaughter ( 66 ) · Group: Members · Rank: spacer · Posted On: April 5, 2006 at 03:59 PM


FullAuto: Virtually the only way to do it early on is share a house.

Well, I've been living like that for 9 years (with 3-5 other people). Guess it depends on the person in question, but it's not such a problem. Sure beats living with one's parents! The problem with housing prices is common in most countries I guess, so you more or less have to live with someone to afford moving out.

Greetings from Olav (Staff at


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: April 5, 2006 at 08:36 PM


I don't mind sharing a house with other people, in fact I think I probably prefer that, but for someone trying to set up a home on their own, or even a lot of young couples (whose work may not pay a lot to begin with), it's just not practical, and in some cases, simply not possible.


Slaughter ( 66 ) · Group: Members · Rank: spacer · Posted On: April 6, 2006 at 01:02 AM


FullAuto: I don't mind sharing a house with other people, in fact I think I probably prefer that, but for someone trying to set up a home on their own, or even a lot of young couples (whose work may not pay a lot to begin with), it's just not practical, and in some cases, simply not possible.

A young couple can share the expenses as flatmates do, and have the added advantage of only needing one bedroom. Might need more if they start a family, but they should have the good sense to build up a career and economy before doing so. Accidents do happen of course...

Anyway, for most people it is less complicated then it sounds moving out, if they accept below par standards and / or sharing a flat / dorm / whateveryoucallit. Living with other people is a good experience, and most people grow up a little when they move out from their parents house (hence my comment that everyone should move out by the age of 18. When I was in the army I met a lot of people that had never been out of their parents house, and surely needed it...). As I said before, most people are prisoners of their fears and imaginary boundaries. Things aren't as complicated if one is just willing to take a small risk.

Oh, and I don't really mean this as a critique to people that still live at home. Moving out might not work well for everyone, and some has valid reasons. I'm just saying that if someone feels like it might be time to leave the nest, they shouldn't be afraid to do so. The problems we think of with doing so are mostly in our heads.

Greetings from Olav (Staff at


FullAuto ( 1,042 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: April 6, 2006 at 03:16 AM


A young couple can share the expenses as flatmates do, and have the added advantage of only needing one bedroom.

Oh aye, of course, but even doing that, it can still be too expensive. But even a small one bedroom flat free of rats can simply cost too much. Especially down in the southern end of the country, where quite frankly prices have been insane for quite a while.

Personally, I enjoyed sharing a house, even when some of the other occupants were arseholes. There are plenty of benefits and few downsides, unless you're living with a real bunch of wankers. Living alone is something I could do and still enjoy, but not as much as with friends.


Ivory ( 241 ) · Group: Administrators · Rank: spacer · Posted On: April 17, 2006 at 11:15 AM


the problem comes when you have no one to move out with. unfortunatly if you live in the middle of nowhere, adn work with people who are largly older than yourself and already have family homes..... do you see the problem. as much as living with complete strangers is an option...i cant say that i have as yet beceome THAT desperate. better the devil you know, right!

Full auto is right, the further down you go the further up the prices go...and i do live quite far down. *shrug* ill get the end either that or ill go mad! lol

we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars

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