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bullet  Demon's Souls  by FullAuto
A fantastic hardcore RPG that will never make it as far as Europe. Go on, publishers, I dare you to prove me wrong.


Import it now, die a lot, get reincarnated, and find your body to regain all the souls you earned before you died.
Posted on October 18, 2009 at 01:26 PM - View Topic | Add Comment (0) | Print Topic

bullet  Broken Sword Ds  by FullAuto

It's not a straight port. It's not even a Director's cut with extras thrown in for the sake of it. It may have had one of the most stunning openings of any game in history, but the new Broken Sword will go back in time. It will look at George Stobbart's life before an explosion in a Parisian cafe rocked his world. And it will let us see what the stunning Nico was up to prior to reporting on the intriguing events which unfolded throughout the original game.

Available to pre-order:


Posted on September 24, 2008 at 06:06 PM - View Topic | Add Comment (0) | Print Topic

bullet  Disaster: Day Of Clisis.  by FullAuto
Forthcoming Wii game, looks like it could be good.


Good use of melodrama, lads.

Review in Famitsu scores it at 34/40, which is a good score even if Famitsu isn't the most objective of publications.

Translated comments say:

Water-pin 8
In extreme circumstances, the scramble for survival and rescue.
Realistic graphics, tension and a high degree of empathy can be played.
For each scene, and tips on how to do different and keep making tired.

Sawa 8 in Rolling
In the excellent director, overcoming a major disaster will can enjoy a sense of realism and tension.
Gun Shooting, car action, such as using the Wii remote and Nunchuk
A variety of actions.

Yayoi Honda 9
Learn a variety of actions, to carve one's way to have fun.
More than anything else, like how to throw hard in a very cool movie.
Difficulty is a bit expensive, but we do have damage included.

Devil Fujiwara 9
From major disasters and terrorist attacks is a hot theme.
You can enjoy a variety of nice action.
Hollywood also cinematic good sense of realism.
The hero, weapons and even have a growth element.

Almost haiku-like in their beauty. Coherent English could not hope to make the game sound so excellent.

Posted on September 22, 2008 at 12:28 PM - View Topic | Add Comment (0) | Print Topic

bullet  Oh Ea, You Wag.  by FullAuto
Fantastic news!

EA Sports boss Peter Moore has lifted the lid on the new All Play range of Wii software and another new brand titled Freestyle.

The artist formerly known as Microsoft's corporate vice president of interactive entertainment made the announcements at a press event in Vancouver. He spoke about how the games market has evolved, and how his new paymasters plan to exploit the emerging opportunities.

"As we look at the make-up of the new consumer coming in, it's very important to us at EA Sports that we have the ability to have something for them that really allows them to pick up and play and have fun immediately, while at the same time not forgetting our core consumer," Moore observed.

"Our games can be too hard sometimes. And while we have no intention whatsoever in dumbing down the experience we all love and that is driving a multi-billion dollar business for us here at EA Sports, we still have an issue here of approachability."

Hilarious stuff. The last difficult game they made was for the Amiga.

Cheers http://www.euro...ticle_id=137372

Posted on May 7, 2008 at 09:32 AM - View Topic | Add Comment (0) | Print Topic

bullet  Pigs, Tha Lotta Ya!  Pigs!  by FullAuto
If she likes puzzle games, mate, point her in the direction of Professor Layton and the Curious Village.


£20 quid. And it's top.

As for Hogs of War, I love it. Recently picked up a second-hand copy for PC except it doesn't bloody work. Gah!
Posted on April 21, 2008 at 11:22 PM - View Topic | Add Comment (2) | Print Topic

bullet  New Article  by FullAuto
It's got a title and everything, honest! And screenshots! And some really nice artwork from some genuinely talented artists!


It's about Armageddon Empires, by the way. That indie turn-based strategy game from Cryptic Comet, the games company that is really one man, a lone wolf.
Posted on January 26, 2008 at 08:35 PM - View Topic | Add Comment (0) | Print Topic

bullet  Merry Greedfest!  by FullAuto
The Wii is still the rarest console around, with some stupid prices being asked.


Other shops, like Toys 'r Sluts, take the piss in a different fashion


Those bundles are a sure way to ruin anyone's Christmas.
Posted on November 21, 2007 at 01:54 PM - View Topic | Add Comment (0) | Print Topic

bullet  Ubisoft Promise To Be Less Shit*, Guitar Hero 3 In Mono Shocker  by FullAuto
http://www.next...39&Itemid=2 - Hoping for "Nintendo-like quality" next year. Optimism at its finest! Especially coming from a company responsible for that Wii version of Far Cry. Bitter reality, especially when they could have made Beyond Good & Evil 2.

http://digg.com...ion_embarrassed - Guitar Hero 3, much-anticipated game, all about the music...plays in mono on the Wii. Oh, Activision, when will you learn? Especially with Rock Band about to kick your arse...

http://www.game...e.php?aid=30408 - Eidos threaten that if consumers don't buy third party games for the Wii, third party developers will move to the 360 and PS3. Consumers suggest making good games worth buying. Eidos cries.

*not a real Ubisoft promise
Posted on November 16, 2007 at 02:47 PM - View Topic | Add Comment (0) | Print Topic

bullet  Buffalo Vs Lion Vs Crocodile  by Pete
If you can lose your head while all around you people are keeping theirs...
Posted on August 19, 2007 at 05:12 PM - View Topic | Add Comment (10) | Print Topic

bullet  News Noose  by cyke
I really cant decide if this is legit or not? is it just great cgi or is this the japanese version of Robot Wars? Very cool stuff! Elsewhere, Super Mario power-up cubes cause havoc. Dumb residents should have jumped on them and turned giant-sized! Last but not least, you can just never get enough of cool pc case mods.
Posted on April 4, 2006 at 11:38 AM - View Topic | Add Comment (0) | Print Topic

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