Staff Role: Site Co-creator, Webmaster & Author
Real Name: Peter Burlingham
Occupation: Web Developer/Designer (got there eventually!)
Hi there, my name's Pete and I'm from northwest England where it's pretty much always cold and mostly raining!
I'm self taught in the area of design and pick up most of my ideas from playing about with Photoshop and Dreamweaver as well as from good tutorial sites like... err...
When I'm not tinkering about with this site, I'll be in front of my TV watching DVD's or reading a good Discworld book. Occasionally my girlfriend will get me out of the house for the odd meal or night out on the town which are always a laugh.
I'm also working sporadically on the Discworld fansite The Turtle Moves
Movies, Books, Computer Games, Occasional Excercise (you can have too much of a good thing). |
Staff Role: Editor and Author.
Real Name: Geoff Byers.
Occupation: Snob.
I'm from the north east of England and I like writing. A lot.
Between my adventures as a warrior monk (drawing my testicles up into my body is a high point, I can tell you) I carry out my various interests and enjoy spitting on remakes, having read the book before people have seen the film and being smug about it, and sneering at people who think 1997 was a good year for wine.
I respectively read, watch and listen to as many books, films and CDs I can get my hands on, as well as playing games like Chess and Go, dabbling in martial arts, staring at my bass guitar hoping I will magically learn to play it again and wondering when magic and joy will return to the world.
Crack! And lots of it! |
Staff Role: Co-Founder, author and unofficial mascot to The Last Outpost.
Real Name: Gary Neill
Occupation: Lifeguard, Fitness Instructor, Teamleader, Systems Administrator, Smart Repair Operator, Dreamer, Protagonist, Agitator, Plotter, Conspirator, Customer Care Agent, Postman, Data Entry Monkey, Palette Mover, Civil Servant, Call Centre Operator, Crayon Eater, Lover, Seducer, Evil Genius
Hobbies include torturing myself with constant demands for self-improvement and attempting to acheive my dreams and goals in life.
I harbour a secret desire to actually be a writer and write a thing called a book , hence part of the reason I do so here as a warm-up.
Being addicted to the internet and business related tv shows like the Apprentice etc.
Other hobbies include constantly revamping my pc innards in an attempt to actually build a silent pc. Not a quiet one, but an actualy silent one. If you can help, in the name of god contact me. |
I'm a guy from England, who moved here from South Africa.
I generally eat food and expell crap.
I generally try to write and expell crap.
Everything. |
My real name is Pete Gray and I live on the Lincolnshire coast.
My background includes journalism so most of my spare time is spent writing, but I have to admit not all of it is good.
I'm a very easy going sort of chap but desperate to try and pack in everything there is to do in this life.
I run two small businesses the main one of which deals with event management and production.
I have a very 'off the wall' type of humour which usually revolves around messing with peoples minds.
In no particular order Music, military history, sailing square rigged ships, fencing and riding fast motorcycles. Oh and writing of course. |
Hello there, my name is Barbara Allen (and I don't actually drive a taxi!).
I live in a very quiet area of the East Midlands. I work for local government in Arts & Tourism (don't tell STD!).
I have worked in many areas including selling advertising (groan!) and running my own theatrical costume business to name a couple.
I don't smoke, I do drink, I have no kids and am glad of it.
My interests are quite varied, I enjoy theatre (I have been involved in Street Entertainment), I have a keen interest in bikes (I own a VFR 750), I am trying again to learn how to play bass, the cinema is getting more interesting to me and I do enjoy a drink of real ale. I would like to get a better car and am trying to get the finances to buy a Supra in the summer. Could go on for ever but that would be too boring - Oh yes I enjoy a good discussion. |