A somewhat disturbing look at why Pete likes to do things to, no, ON his iPhone.
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I don't really need one of these, but I'd probably buy one if it wouldn't guarantee that my PC died of shame.
I'll end up buying one in a moment of weakness and then spend half my time at work browsing the net. Oh dear.
Indeed. "Free" internet can be tempting
Forgot to mention the on-screen qwerty keyboard is actually better than you'd expect once you get past the whole "fat fingers" syndrome, and it's fairly good at predicting what you're trying to type when you get half the letters wrong.
Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?
Oh Jesus, not predictive text? An abomination ahead of Mick Hucknall but behind circumcision.
"If you require a dialling wand, please mash the keypad..."
One of the few Simpsons episodes worth watching there
I think, as with most phones, you can turn it off. Not sure if you can train it on which words to ignore, but I don't recall it trying to correct me on anything twice. Perhaps it senses my fury and fears a Chuck Norris moment.
Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?
*stands Iphone strike force down to DefCon3*
That's alright then.
Played any games on it yet? I've heard it touted as a rival to the PSP and DS. While I don't think Sony or Ninty are shitting themselves in fear just yet, I've seen increasing coverage of Iphone titles online.
I've not played a single one yet as I can't be arsed paying 59 pence per game - tight or what?!
I've heard the one where you land the aeroplanes as some sort of air traffic controller is addictive, so I've chosen to give that a very wide berth what with my lack of spare time and all ( he says after penning two articles in three hours).
It does have some accelerometers built into the unit, so allows developers to use tilting the unit as part of the controls - we've all seen that racing car one by now I guess.
I'm pretty sure the iPhone has a light sensor built in as well, as when I'm on a call and it's pressed to my ear, the screen goes off stright away, then when you pull it away it lights up again. Wonder if there's something you can do with that that could work in a game?
Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?
Day/night cycle? It'd be easy to cheat that though.
Would have thought there'd be some strategy games on there for sure. What was that one for the N-Gage? Path to Glory? That was surprisingly good.
Movement sensors seem to be the 'in' thing at the moment, Wii Remote, Six Axis, etc. Thought there'd be games taking advantage of the GPS and other features by now.
Shame there's no Pcket UFO: Enemy Unknown like you can get for the XDA/PDA. That would rawk.
Aren't the Asgard supposedly technologically superior?